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Suicide Awareness

Suicide Awareness & Intervention Suicide Awareness Suicide%20Awareness_%20%26%20Intervention_812x320%401.5x-8.png
  • 2 Hours
  • $2,200.00 incl. GST


There are over 73,000 suicide attempts each year in Australia. Being aware of suicide means being able to help reduce the risk for someone considering suicide.

This course promotes awareness around suicide within Australia; the facts, signs of someone at risk, how to interact and assuming the role of a support person.

Course topics

This course covers the following topics:

  1. Suicide statistics, stigmas and facts
  2. Awareness promotion
  3. Thoughts, feelings and behaviours around suicide
  4. Noticing the signs
  5. Having a chat; listening to concerns, exploring, acknowledging and reflecting thoughts and feelings, working with uncertainty and asking the question
  6. Evaluating safety concerns and checking for a plan
  7. Where to go for help; identifying limits and boundaries, utilising personal supports, referrals to organisations and services
  8. Looking after yourself

Key outcomes

Participants will be competent in the following:

  • Understanding the personal and societal impacts of suicide
  • Identifying the need for a conversation on suicide
  • Responding to someone at risk of suicide: signs, asking the question, assessing the risk, getting help
  • Implementing safety risk assessments and undertaking appropriate action
  • Understanding appropriate self-care practices

Who is this for?

The target audience for this course is:

  • Anyone who wants to feel more confident, comfortable and competent in helping people at risk of suicide 

Course structure

  • Delivery: face-to-face only
  • Participants: min 8, max 18 per course
  • Cost: available on request

Make a booking

To make a booking for your corporate group, please contact us via email on training@act.lifeline.org.au